Hard Facts Geboren 2000 in Linz Berufliches Ausbildung Funfacts Wenn wir eine Skills-Fußballmannschaft gründen müssten, dann hätten wir mit Eliano zumindest einen kompetenten Spieler. Auch wenn seine Liebe zu Bayern München schon bei ein paar Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu Irritationen führte, ergänzt der Publizistikstudent das Agenturteam perfekt. Mit seiner ruhigen Art und achtsamen Arbeitsweise, erdet …
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Hard Facts Fun Facts Leadership is simply in some people’s (Jür)genes. As for those who now resign themselves to being at a disadvantage due to fate, we’ll talk them out of it right away: because in order to be a Managing Director at Skills, you not only have to have skills, you also have to …
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Hard Facts Born 1993 in Mödling Professional Education and other activities Funfacts Copywriting, journalism, political strategy and social work. Wherever words can make a difference, Philipp has already been there. He learned his craft from an early age: Even as a child, Philipp liked to talk. Ideally, as he says himself: “A lot, quickly and …
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Hard Facts Born 1998 in Vienna Professional Education Funfacts Last seen with leather-jacket and Dropkick-Murphys-Hoodie (PR clearly means Punk-Rock in this case) and always precise in his work. In his Internship at national Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” Andreas learned the basics of journalism and communications and has now developed to know these fields like the …
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Hard Facts Born 1995 in Vienna Professional Education Funfacts Julia’s first word was “no”, the second “bellpepper”. No one knows whether she wanted to express an early aversion to nightshade plants. In any case, she was speaking in full sentences shortly afterwards, leaving astonished doctors and family members in her wake. A real linguistic talent, …
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Born 2002 in Vienna Professional Education Funfacts Fanny, also known among colleagues as the agency sunshine, has established herself as a valued team member, and not just because of her cheerful disposition. The trained media designer and journalism student proved to be our all-rounder during her internship: photography and photo editing, video shooting and editing, …
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Hard Facts Professional Education Fun Facts Sanostol used to be for children something like Substral for plants: one hoped it would make them grow better. Maybe it didn’t work so well for some children (yes, sorry, Elise), but it had other, unexpected effects: our mastermind Elise actually taught herself to read with the help of …
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Hard Facts Geboren 1997 in Wien Berufliches Ausbildung und sonstige Tätigkeiten Funfacts First to come, last to leave. Wenn spätabends in der Agentur noch Licht brennt, dann kann man sich recht sicher sein: Sophie muss „nur ganz kurz noch was fertig machen“. Ein Arbeitswille, der sich bereits früh erkennen ließ: Schon nach wenigen Wochen arbeitete die …
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Hard facts Fun facts Stevi has always been great at “storytelling”. The only difference is that back then it was still called “telling stories”, benefited his green plush hippo Ernie and was fuelled by Michael Ende. But Ende was only the beginning – and little Stevi decided early on that this could just be the …
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Hard Facts Born 1972 in Vienna Professional Education Fun Facts Pretty sporty in his younger years he was well protected by two large St.Bernard-shepherds. Today, at over 50 years of age, there is less of the sportiness, but the love of dogs has remained – Alexander is the owner of a Portuguese water dog, who …
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