Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is not "coming", it has been here for a long time. For your organisation to realise the full potential of this revolutionary technology, it needs AI guidelines. To ensure a conscious approach to AI - without unwanted side effects and hidden risks.
Today, many companies and organisations are already using countless AI applications to improve efficiency or address the current shortage of skilled workers. But these opportunities come with (often underestimated) risks: If handled incorrectly, AI can cause serious damage to companies – communicatively, legally and, ultimately, also economically. Last but not least, the protection of intellectual property is often a problem.
This is why organisations need clear and understandable rules for dealing with AI, so that they can realise the potential of this technology – which is transforming the entire business world – without unpleasant surprises. Establishing these rules and ensuring compliance is an important strategic management task – and AI guidelines are the tool of choice.
AI guidelines ...
- ... serve as a foundation for the responsible use of AI,
- ... ensure trust through clear rules - both internally and externally,
- ... create the necessary framework conditions in terms of labour law,
- ... protect your company from AI-related risks, and
- ... last but not least, enable competitive advantage through technology leadership.
Skills | Team Farner offers suitable processes for any size of company or organisation – regardless of whether it is an industrial or service company, NGO or public institution – to develop AI guidelines and embed them in everyday work. This is about much more than crisis prevention or data protection, because AI fitness is becoming increasingly important for the competitiveness and development capability of companies and thus also increasingly a clear management responsibility.
Based on six dimensions of AI use, our consultants help you to identify the opportunities and risks of AI use in your area of responsibility and to address them appropriately using a standardised AI risk model.
We take a multidisciplinary approach to developing AI guidelines based on clear (ethical) principles. Because: AI fitness cannot simply be "bought" like a new software programme. It requires know-how and do-how from wide range of fields and levels, which need to be systematically assessed and considered.
Accordingly, the development and introduction of AI guidelines in companies and institutions requires comprehensive internal coordination, training and communication measures, which we implement quickly with a proven concept involving all relevant stakeholder groups (e.g. IT, HR, internal PR, works council or staff representatives, training and further education, internal audit, etc.).
If you would like to find out more about AI guidelines, please contact us. We would be happy to present our approach and process design in a no-obligation initial meeting.