The Spirit of Skills
Are you looking for a PR agency? Here you can find out what makes us special and what sets us apart from other agencies.
Reliable team player
At Skills | TEAM FARNER, we only promise what we can deliver in practice or have already demonstrably delivered. We are constantly looking for the best possible solutions for our clients, offering expertise, quality, commitment and much more – but we don’t just talk down to our clients: Skills sees itself as a sparring partner with handshake quality.
Our quality
Our numerous awards are a visible sign of the quality of our work: Skills was not only the first and so far only PR agency to be awarded the Austrian national coat of arms – we are the most awarded agency in the country.
As a member of the Public Relations Association Austria (PRVA), we are committed to complying with the PRVA Code of Ethics and have played a leading role in the further development of quality criteria for the Austrian PR industry for many years. Our quality assurance system has been certified in accordance with the international quality standard for PR agencies, the Consultancy Management Standard (CMS), since 2004. Skills has also held the Austrian PR Quality Seal since 2014.
Success through innovation
Strategic thinking, creativity and innovative spirit: We use this triad to provide our clients with sustainable support and do not rest on our laurels, but work on new ideas, instruments and concepts every day – and can therefore offer some exclusive tools.
Our achievement