
Saving energy in heating and cooling is one of the perennial favorites in the construction sector: The great advantages of surface cooling over classic air conditioning systems have been known for many years, but the implementation in our latitudes has so far reached its physical limits: Without additional dehumidification, a lot of condensation forms when …

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Austrian Chamber of Labour

Austrian Chamber of Labour Logo

The Chamber of Labour (Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte, AK) is the legal representation of the interests of employees. In close cooperation with the trade unions, the AK represents the interests of around 3.2 million employees in Austria. …

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Austrian Pharmacists Association

For 160 years, the Pharmacists’ Association has championed the interests of the Austrian pharmacists. As a profession, pharmacists have played a central role in public healthcare for centuries. They are close to the people and take their responsibility seriously to promote Austrians’ health, advise them and offer them the individual assistance they need. The goal …

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