Saving energy in heating and cooling is one of the perennial favorites in the construction sector: The great advantages of surface cooling over classic air conditioning systems have been known for many years, but the implementation in our latitudes has so far reached its physical limits: Without additional dehumidification, a lot of condensation forms when cooling large surfaces.
It is precisely this central problem of moisture development during surface cooling that the Viennese ecotech start-up abaton has been able to solve in a sustainable way with a new system – which represents a milestone in building physics. Patented panels use a special pore structure to regulate the condensation that forms inside the building component during cooling. The “breathing” components thus ensure pleasant room comfort without drafts and also save around 25 percent energy compared to air-cooled systems – regardless of the building structure and climate zone.
Skills already supported the founding team around the Viennese engineers Benedikt Goehmann and Maximilian Gruber in setting up its communication structures for the market launch.