Sharkproject & Stop Finning EU
Sharkproject has been fighting for shark and marine protection since 2002. Skills supports the organization with free press work – because if the sharks die, the oceans dies too.
Sharkproject is a non-profit species conservation organization that advocates for over 500 species of sharks and their environment, the marine ecosystem. Skills supports the organization in its operational and strategic press work free of charge and thus contributes significantly to generating attention for the topics of shark and marine conservation. By sending press releases to journalists and decision-makers in the DACH region and providing strategic advice to the Sharkproject team, Skills fulfills its ecological responsibility towards future generations.
In this context, Skills also supports the European citizens’ initiative “Stop Finning EU”, which wants to ban the trade of shark fins throughout the EU. The initiative must collect one million votes in EU countries by the end of January 2022 in order to be able to confront the EU Parliament with its request. Skills supports the project primarily with its social media expertise – “Stop Finning EU” was able to build up channels with a total of well over 10,000 followers within one year. A video produced by Skills in cooperation with actor Hanns Jaenicke even went viral – the clip was shared 1800 times, allowing the initiative to reach around 250,000 people with its message.
In addition to social media, Skills also handles classic public relations tasks for the citizens’ initiative. When activists from various species and marine protection organizations gathered for a protest action on Vienna’s Stephansplatz in October 2020, the agency supported “Stop Finning EU” with external communications and reached important multipliers throughout the DACH region with blog entries and a press release.
All press information about Sharkproject’s activities and current projects can be found here.