Legal Tips Website

Legal tip from the Bar Association of Lower Austria

Since 2012, Skills has been getting Lower Austrian lawyers to answer common legal questions simply and in a way that everyone can understand.

In cooperation with the Niederösterreichische Nachrichten, the answers to readers’ questions are given weekly in the legal tip – both in print and digitally. Hundreds of questions have already been answered by Lower Austrian lawyers, thus providing legal assistance for everyone. Skills supports the chamber in the entire handling, coordination with the medium and editorial work.

Skills unterstützt die Standesvertretung der Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwältinnen in Niederösterreich in der gesamten Abwicklung, in der laufenden Abstimmung mit dem Medium und in der Redaktionsarbeit.

Digital nachlesen können Sie die Expertenratschläge hier.