Artificial intelligence is not “on the rise”, it’s already here. In order for your company to fully exploit the potential of this revolutionary technology, you need AI guidelines. For a conscious approach to AI – without undesirable side effects and hidden risks.
Numerous companies and organizations are already using countless AI applications to increase their efficiency or overcome the current shortage of skilled workers. However, these opportunities are offset by (often underestimated) risks: If handled incorrectly, serious damage can be caused to companies – in terms of communication, legal and ultimately also economic. Last but not least, the protection of intellectual property is often a problem.
This is why companies need clear and comprehensible rules for dealing with AI in order to be able to utilize the potential of this technology – which is changing the entire business world – without experiencing any nasty surprises. Defining these rules and ensuring compliance with them is an important strategic management task – and AI guidelines are the tool of choice for this.
AI-Guidelines …
- … serve as a foundation for the responsible use of AI,
- … ensure trust through clear rules – internally and externally,
- … create the necessary labor law framework,
- … protect your company from AI-related risks and
- … enable competitive advantages through technological leadership.
Skills | Team Farner offers suitable processes for every size of company and organization – whether industrial or service company, NGO or public institution – to develop AI guidelines and anchor them in everyday working life. This is about much more than crisis prevention or data protection, because AI fitness is becoming increasingly important for the competitiveness and development capability of companies and is therefore also increasingly becoming a clear management responsibility.
Based on six dimensions of AI use, our consultants support you in identifying the opportunities and risks of AI use in your area of responsibility and addressing them appropriately using a standardized AI risk model.

When creating AI guidelines, we pursue an interdisciplinary approach based on clear (ethical) principles. After all, AI fitness cannot simply be “bought in” like a new software program. It requires know-how and expertise from a wide variety of areas and levels, which must be systematically recorded and taken into account.
Accordingly, the development and introduction of AI guidelines in companies and institutions requires comprehensive internal coordination, training and communication measures, which we quickly implement with a tried-and-tested concept involving all relevant stakeholder groups (e.g. IT, HR, internal PR, works council or staff representatives, training and further education, internal audit, etc.).
If you would like to find out more about AI guidelines, please contact our management. We would be happy to introduce you to our consulting approach and the associated process design as part of a non-binding initial consultation.